Thursday, May 28, 2015

My second LO using Mirrored Reflections

Hello, I am here to post my second LO from Winged Heart Ohio's  Mirrored Reflections kit. It is of my mother and my two older brothers and myself taken in the 1940's. Leave your comments I would like to know what you think of it.
My oldest brother was born with his toes on his feet grown together and other critical issues that required fourteen years of surgery and most of it was experimental surgery because it had never been attempted before. You see him above in a home made cart. He was fourteen years old when he had his final surgery on his feet and legs, it was very successful, the surgeons placed a sheep's bone into his one leg to give him the main bone going down from the knee to the foot somehow. I don't even know all the details but he never walked with a limp afterwards.  He grew into a remarkable man. My next to the oldest brother and I really bonded when we were teenagers, he was two years older than me and I adored him, he was my protector. As a teen he looked like Ricky Nelson. At the age of twenty he and his fiancée were killed by a drunk driver, needless to say, it devastated my entire family and I lived in shock for years, I could not stand being without him. I could only think of my loss, didn't stop to think about my devastated parents that had to go on and raise the remaining four of us children, all because of a man who didn't stop drinking but decided to drive anyhow. Do not ever drink alcoholic drinks and drive while you are drinking or after you have been drinking! You and others will have to live with the consequences for the rest of your lives! So I dig out my pictures to scrap and live with the memories each time! I am so grateful to my parents that raised us in Church because I grew to know God and the truth of His son Jesus at an early age and allowed Jesus to walk with me many times carrying me through the trials of life. I depended on Jesus for emotional healing and restoration knowing how much He loved me and comforted me. I pray that you know God the Father, Jesus Christ His son and the Holy Spirit so that they can minister to you through your trials in this life.
   Photos sure do stir up emotions don't they?
   I pray that God will bless you always

1 comment:

Winged Heart said...

Pat, this is a beautiful layout and your story about your brothers is heartwarming. Keep up the good work. I look forward to seeing many more layouts from you, my friend!